Hey Cloggers,

I’m back for a quick blog post (I already wrote one about our visit to George Jay but wanted to add some information about today’s class). I worked with Laurence (check out her blog @lboucher #plug)

We used Screencastify to screen record us talking about a provocation that was inspired by Rebecca’s dinosaur inquiry assignment. We talked about why the “p” is silent in pterodactyl. We think her students would definitely wonder this as they’re learning about language and various sounds.

Here is the link to our video: https://youtu.be/bao93pdNLDw

Screencastify allowed us to record our screen, voices, and even ourselves if we wanted – but we didn’t (lobo is having a bad hair day…) 😛 You can also use the online pencil to draw, write, and add arrows onto your screen. Interesting stuff!

We both enjoyed working with this application – it would definitely get students engaged and help them learn due to the way they can talk things out and record their learning.

Anyway, gotta go help lobo with her hair.

Clogging off for now,

COordt 🙂